This is a transcript from the You Tube video on the Street Bishops Channel
Hello, this is Lance with Street Bishop’s Dot Com, and I’m here with another segment of our video series How to start a ministry. It’s a more in -depth many part series and today’s topic is on of reviewing an engaging and reviewing and engaging. Okay, It is very important that you make a complete assessment. I have every event that you do
every event that you do. You need to document.
There are many reasons why you want to document what you do and I’ve spoken about this in other videos, and I want to speak about it more specifically here in this one
when you review and document what you’ve done the day before the hour before the minute before. If you wanted you wanted to documentation as close to the time in which you had the activity as possible. You can do it in the field, Dude in the field. You have to wait until you get home. That’s fine, but don’t wait twenty four hours to document what military activity you’ve done.
Because when you review how things went
you then will pick up and remember many lessons that will serve you the next time you go out. If the next time you go out, experimentation is very important, right, they do it in science. So we need to do it in ministry, and the only way to experiment is to be recording what has happened before and then making an analysis of it if parking in one side of the parking lot gives us more exposure when we’re handing out sandwiches and parking in another.
That’s important to write down and note and record, so that before you go out to the next event and start, you could take a few minutes to read. Lessons learned. Read the review from the last three or four events, so that then it’s fresh in your mind that when you’re driving out there, you can park in the best spot
if buying sandwiches from Burger King as opposed to Mcdonalds. Is. Giving you more food for your dollar or if Wendy’s is giving you a special deal because you’re doin it for ministry, and they’re giving huge twenty hamburgers for the price of ten. Then you’re going to want to write that down. Don’t just try to remember it. You need to write that down so that you know in your review so that you can create this history of lessons learned and reviews that you can constantly. An alliance, and as a matter of experiment that way, the next time you engage in your activity, you are taking history with you. You are taking lessons learned with you, And the only way that you can do that is to do a good analysis after every event, right, so in my notes, here as I call it, engage, review, Engage, review, engaged to the activity, review, review a tap, and write it down. Review before the activity, and that it should be review Engage review, Because you want to review your notes before you go out that day. You want to review your notes before you go out, and I mean the notes from the time before, so I probably left out one review. It should be review, Engage, review, Review, Engage review, And when you reviewing what you did, you’re putting down all these lessons learned if you do this and then and and an, of course when you’re engaging. Try a little bit of something different. You know. If you have an idea, Say you know what I am going to maybe say suck a little bit different in. I note in the sandwich bag or we’re going to have. I mean I dunno. Whatever I mean, I can make a lot of time, he or just making a little ways that you could experiment, and you could also some things you can do as for. Here’s a good experimentation. Take one of these, take one of these yellow legal pads with you, right? I love these things you never want raising money that you don’t have one of these so you can get every single name and phone number and email address when your fundraising, but also when you’re out doing your activity. If you want, you can you can pass them you can say, Would you write down your name for me and a phone number That’s okay. I’d like to be in touch with you or or your text numbers. I can text you the next time I’m coming out, or can you just give me a few words You know right now what you’re maybe what your brother and sister’s names are or? Right down if there’s something that I could do for you the future. Can you just kind of give me an idea of what that might be and you know he tried at one time and see what happens. Snap,
Nobody may want to write anything down. So when you get done at the end of that particular event that day in that program, you get done with that event. You’re going to write down. We had a pad. We asked them to fill out some information about. Maybe what they would want in the future. Nobody was interested in doing that. Okay, so you write that down, so you tried to, and it just didn’t didn’t go anywhere Vivi, Well, Maybe next time if I just have individual index cards and I have his hand on the index card where they can write it down and maybe even write out anonymously. Let me see if more people fill that out, so that would be the experiment for the next time, too That the G review review it What Abbott last time review, which are going to do engage with them to the activities better with the new cards and at the end. We view was that effective. Oh, okay, Okay, so if I had the individual cards and I give them a kind of fill that out. Especially if I let them keep the pen. Then that was. I got more. I got more feedback that way right so if in the midst of developing relationship while you’re delivering food to them, you experimental little bit to see how you can strengthen that relationship. How you administer a little more to them how you can connect with them more.
But the only way that something like this works is if after it’s done, you review it engage, and then review engage, and then review, then you can look at your reviews before you got next time where you can sit with your bought with your advisors and go over with them. What worked. What didn’t work. You’ve got a lot of information in terms of experimentation and you’ll get more feedback from your visors, more feedback from your volunteers and you have things documented so. Nope, the way to make what you do better more efficient you know, or to get new ideas and learn new things. Review what happened. The last couple of times engage with a new little bit of an experiment to see if he can tweak something here or there, and then review and document that experiment right so in that review engage review process. You will make your program better.
You will make your team and yourself better. You will better serve those whom you are seeking to serve. Because the endgame is for them to ask you why you do what you do and they’re gonna wanna know Jesus. Also because I see Jesus in you inaction. So review the activities from before before you go out, Experiment was something a little bit new tweak a little bit here. Mayor Document how that tweak went, whether it was war effective or less effective. And with maybe you want to do it in the future, what’s going to happen when you do this review Engage review. You’re going to come up with a list of best practices. Those things at work. You’ll have a list that might be a shortlist. It might be a long list, and that becomes your action plan when you’re on the street, so no matter what else you’re doing while we have found out through through several events in a program or across several programs, we have found these best practices. To be affect us, so no matter what else we’re doing that day were going to do these best practices, and where did they come from review, Engage with you. We view engage review, and then in it read on in their supper reviews, This works all the time. This goes on our list of best practices, discuss on our list of best practice. It so that’s what I have for you in this particular video chatter today. And so this of course is about starting a ministry. That’s what this video series is. I’m Lance. I’m from St. Bishops Dot Com. So I want to thank you for coming by and watching this video today. Please be sure to click on the subscribe button below If you’re watching this on Youtube and I want you to also mark the bell. So you get notifications if you’re watching this video somewhere else, head on over to Youtube to street bishops that channel and go ahead and. Subscribe while you’re there, so that you can get additional videos, and you come by our Facebook page at St. Bishops, and so we just want to connect with you and hear from you. Often. You can also write to me at Secretary at St. Bishops Dot Com. I have a great day and we look forward to see you in our next video.