This is a transcript from the You Tube video on the Street Bishops Channel
So welcome back lanes, where the street, the ships were readerships, Dot Com, and this video series is
starting to ministry, so I’ve done one other videos on this, but they have not been as extensive as this video series as quaint to be, and so on this particular chapter, this video what we’re going to go over is the vehicle with which you are going to use to engage in ministry work, right and this. You’ll have many vehicles, but you’ll have your first one. Did you did you get started with? So how did I get started here? What I want to say? Is there is one word that needs to be the overarching theme through this particular subject here today and that his relationship
there are lots of ways to tell people about the glory of God and and salvation through Jesus Christ.
You can walk up to them and hand them a track. I can just stare at effect. Affected.
You can leave a track on a table. Maybe that’s effective. I dunno.
You can speak to them and say hey, you know, Christ, I think that’s intrusive, and that’s kind of a little too in your face.
I think that the best way the longest lasting way, the most quality way to express the good news to somebody he is through relationship.
Well, you don’t meet them just one time. You don’t meet them. Maybe just twice, but you meet them over a period of time several times are many times, and you have an opportunity to develop a relationship with them so that they can see how you live. How you shine it Get your Christ vibe where they want to look at you and say you know you seem really happy. You and your wife. Seem you have it together and doesn’t see my problems. Get you down. They’ll look at you and look at the quality of your life and say. Why are you so happy and then you can say that? Well. It’s because I’ve got Christ in my life, And when I have Christ in my life then everything else is just brighter. Troubles don’t see it as troubling and blessings are greater. I just. I just have a. You know you can see to me. I. I’m I’m happy all the time right, and that’s when people want to know more about Jesus Christ because they see you and they see your life and there believing what they see, not what you tell them. And then through relationship, you can reinforce it, Because for your relationship then they can give you feedback about their life, and you can assist them and interpreting where Christ can be supportive, And what are they? How they can finance was by getting on their knees and your small prayers, and through recognizing the blessings they do have that they don’t recognize and all of those things, but that takes relationship to do that in a quality way that sticks when someone just comes up to an altar call and says they accept Christ and go away. If you have no supportive relationship with them over days and weeks and months to come, I’m not sure you’re donating, but maybe even just confused them, they may not be as likely to go up the next time, but your relationship that can be reinforced. So when you have your ministry your ministry, you know having people know Jesus Christ as the backdrop. That’s just the assume thing, but you say lack like in the latch at We talk about who’s rotting right is an unwed mothers, unwed fathers, as it seniors is it struggling years. Is it that the homeless those on the street who are hungry and clothing ministry? What whatever the group is identifying that avatar that group that you want to serve, then went to understand or at least develop a vehicle through which to serve them, so I’m gonna give you an example of a simple vehicle and a complex vehicle. Okay, A simple vehicle is get their name email address and phone number so you can text them and then after you speak to them. And find out what their needs are you? Don’t you’re not Jesus seen all over their face. You out talking. You’re just showing that your concern, and you love them and you begin to communicate with them with texts seen in emails and phone number until a tight stop. He just keep communicating with them and you develop a relationship with them over time and then you’re in a position where you can show the power of having Christ in your life. That’s a simple way. A more complex way may be, for example, if your target target audience is. I, there’s a group of homeless folks that looks like they’re harmless, but there on the street and there and there in front of what we could call the Js to wear here and you know they look hungry to use. You know what I’m gone, they look hungry and I’m going to start bringing them sandwiches, and through the relationship of feeding them just as Christ said, You know what we have the fishes and the bread. You know, it’s it’s it’s it’s It’s quite example as I am bringing them sandwiches and a bag. I can put us a note in that bag that says. Jesus loves you. I love you. This is why I brought you to sandwich. Asked me more and I’ll tell you more that simple. He had written a little note in each bag that says Jesus loves you. I love you. This is why I’m bringing the sandwiches to you. Because support of my service through Christ, please asked me more and I’ll tell you more and then you put a phone number Okay now. Ah by that’s a more complex way to do it Because I take you to do that every time you get about a sandwich he had prepared of stuff. He developed a relationship and feeding them, but you can see how much more powerful that vehicle is then just leaving and track somewhere or just all random off. Once I know you know Jesus. You know Jesus. I mean that’s sort of like it’s like a shotgun to protect. You don’t know what else to do. But when we do it programmatically where we actually had a program and we have a target audience and we do this thoughtfully. In the sphere can lead us into a really great relationship with these individuals who may have nobody else to have that kind of relationship with, and that’s there’s power in that and so that’s that’s what this chapter is about here. It’s about you know what’s the vehicle you’re going to use to develop relationship. Now. There’s a lot of ways you can do it. There are so many services out there that you can provide to somebody you know the Salvation Army does it through there giving them a bed at night. Right and other organizations give them a bed at night. That is all that is just such a godly service to give to somebody. Some do it through feeding others on the street. Others do it by mentoring troubled youth, or you know checked route that agents a troubled or just challenged are having a difficult time. Right. They’re not in their soul troubled. They’re just kind of needs and died in some in some mentoring. You may be working with some seniors as they get towards end up like helping them feel like they’ve got a friend someone that you really can’t read anymore. And you’re just reading to them. Your ministry vehicle may be reading too serious. Because somebody can’t read anymore, and they miss that, and for you just to sit there with a book and read for them and read to them is a blessing, and you can develop such relationship by the time you’re done with that first book, you will have a relationship and they’re going be asking you about your saw in your spirit. I about want to know how much when they say to you. You’re so wonderful. Thank you So much. That’s when you can say well. You know. I do this because the Lord leads me to serve and serving you through reading you. This book is a blessing to my heart, and it’s seems like it’s a blessing to yours and so I’m being Christ like and that is my command. My Lord asked me be Christ like and so I do that by coming to read for you. And so you can take almost any service you can imagine cause Award will put the service on your heart.
The Lord will, If you get off this thing, I’ve just seen I want to preach. I want to preach, Get away from that. He left the pharisees crap do what Christ did have a life of service, and and the Lord will put on your heart who you’re gonna serve, which was in the last year,
and how you’re going, sir, and that’s what this is about now. If you say, I don’t know how to do. Anything for somebody then find the thing that you do know how to do, because I guarantee you there is at least one if not many things that you do very well, and and almost all of those things you do well in some way can be turned into a service to a particular group of people, right, so the jacket before this was who’s your target audience. It could be that you engage in this chapter first. And look at your capability to your vehicle, and then the chapter before this of who is Mike. Who was my people That may come after, he just say we know this is what I do well, and who can I do it the best score and then you’ll be served and then it will identify will point you to the population to whom you want to serve, so I may the chapters flipped like this may may should have come before the chapter on who you’re going to serve. Because once you figure out your vehicle. Then you’re more clearly know
who you’re serving based on that vehicle, but that’s what you want to do, and as I said, from the very beginning this is about relationships, relationships relationships that the vehicle for developing long term ministry that is impactful that is sustainable that will bring people to know Christ and that will bring others to help you in your ministry. So that’s it for this particular chapter. It’s probably the most important one of the entire book of. As people miss this one. They will just go out and preach, but they don’t have a vehicle through which to develop relationship, so I invite you to go to St. Bishop’s Dot Com and sign up for our email list and go to St. Bishops on Youtube, and you’ll see other videos there and I just ain’t really encourage you to do the focus on relationship and. Develop your ministry from there, so it’s gravy with you for a few minutes here and I’ll always be blessed and I’ll see you in the next hour video. So I want to thank you for coming by and watching this video today. Please be sure to click on the subscribe button below If you’re watching this on Youtube and I want you to also mark the bell, so you get notifications if you’re watching this video somewhere else, head on over to Youtube to street bishops that channel and go ahead and. Subscribe while you’re there, so that you can get additional videos, and you come by our Facebook page at St. Bishops, and so we just want to connect with you and hear from you. Often. You can also write to me at Secretary at St. Bishops Dot Com. I have a great day and we look forward to see you in our next video.