This is a transcript from the You Tube video on the Street Bishops Channel
Hello, Lance here again from the street, Bishop’s Dot Com, and this video series is on how to start your ministry, Okay, and we’re taking us all away from when God places on your hard all the way through the type of structure you want and you’re going to minister to and in business plans, and everything else, So this is the whole series, and this this this particular video here is on building your first business plan and do so, let me be very clear.
When you hear someone say write a business plan, it can sound very
hard and technical, like. Oh my gosh. I need to find an example of a business plan somewhere, etc, etc that I’m not talking about some complex market research business plan. I’m talking about a basic set of numbers so that you can become accustomed and developing budgets, and how to. Check your budget against what reality was so that you start off with the small plans for the smaller activities, then by the time it comes for you to buy a building where to buy a vehicle or do something, and the person loaning you the money says, Can I see your business plan? You have already done fifteen of them and you can just sort of mash them all together. Come up with a really great looking document that has a lot of the information you’re looking for, so I’m talking about starting with a small. Basic plan, right, and basically that’s a budget in it says this is what we’re gonna do This Is how we’re gonna do it. This is how much it’s gonna cost. Now we’ve done it and then you go back to the spine afterward and you do and you do an after action assessment, right, So let me give an example of of what you need to get accustomed to writing at the right at first, so you’re going to have a doctorate.
The first paragraph is going to be what are you doing, so we’re gonna take as an example I had talking to other videos about the J store down in Daytona, Where there’s folks have to look like they’re struggling and they’re hungry, and so the mystery that we’re going to use uses The example is taking them a sandwich couple of times a week. Okay now
in my business plan would say that point. The plan is this I’m going to take. I’m the goal is to develop relationships so I can speak to them about Christ. The way I’m going to do it is to feed down the way I’m going to feed them as I’m going to buy sandwiches and put notes. I’m gonna buy a one dollar burgers from Burger King and I’m going to and get bottles of water and I’m gonna put a note in each bag that says I love you. God loves you. I’m giving you the sandwich, because this is what I do to obey Christ, and that if you’d like to know more about living a life for Christ, please give me a call, okay? Now you have a handwritten note in each bag, so before we launch off do before we go down to Mcdonald’s and and by it we want to do something that is going to make more sense after I get done here. Why we do this.
You’re going to write down a budget. Okay, So there’s going to be hamburgers. Call her A piece Are already in a bag. There’s going to be your letters, which still put down a price, but one penny for each letter that cheap letter or five cents for each card or whatever everyone put in the bag.
Gasoline for the day, twenty five dollars and anything else that should be in there, Okay that you’re going to do all your bottled water know, so it’s twenty five cents for a bottle of water
and napkins, five cents for a napkin, and you put on there. How much each one of these are going to be, so you’re going to say you know what for our first time out, right our our first mission out here. We are going to hand out twenty five bags. Okay, so that’s twenty five bags of hamburgers with twenty five notes and twenty five napkins and twenty five bottles of water, and you’re going to be or gasoline to go out there, and
so that’s it right. That’s that’s your. That’s your budget, and so you write that all down and and you’re looking to have one car participate. You know, blah, blah, blah, and you may give the people who are doing it. You may want to pay yourselves ten dollars each for your time that day, right? Well be for volunteer, but I’m saying if you’re going to pay yourself ten bucks to do it and put on their ten dollars for for delivery services,
then you’ve got that now which you’re gonna do is you’re going to go out on that on that day. Whatever day of the week, it is right and you’re going to go to burger King and you’re going to buy the ten to the twenty five burgers One on each bag. You are we going to have your notes written? You’re going to put your notes in your napkins in. You could have your bomber water, and then you’re going to go the J store. You gotta park out there. What can you tell Gator open up your trunk? You got a little sign that just says I can get a sandwich. You know this article says Come get a sandwich. I can say Jesus says Come get us amateur. Save your soul, or you know Jesus for the hungry year and say Come get a sandwich, but
you’re also going to have a tablet or a yellow
pad. You know a legal pad on a clipboard. Because if the folks are willing to, you’d like them to write down their name and their phone number If they have a phone, so that way you can maintain contact with them if they don’t contact you, so you go out there and he just say, and now you can have a shirt on. I love shirts that say I. Ah,
I’ve you know
I. I’m trying to think. What could we could say? Don’t be too rude. Right, But this is where you can have your messages. When have Jesus messaging, right?
It can say Jesus sent me. That’s how Jesus sent me the song. So. When they come up, they see your shirt. Jesus set me free sandwiches. That’s clear. They. They’re disarmed Because I know that your daughters as a parts as a Christian. You’re doing it. You’re not asking anything from them. Then get their free sandwich. They can see that you’re about Jesus. You don’t gotta say it. You can just show it. They’re going to get their sandwiches. So you’ve bought the sandwiches. You got your waters. You got your nap can do your thing right and then you you? You? You do that? That’ll probably take you twenty minutes to get out the sandwiches. Maybe maybe not that long who knows and then and you’ll want to talk with them and you’re not. You know only bring up Jesus if they do don’t bring it up if they don’t focus on relationship development, and then if you do intend to come back again in two days, you can say to them. We’re gonna try our best to be back day after tomorrow. Same time would love to see you. Right now
you go home. Take your receipts. You take all the information from the day and then on that same business plan you’re going to write after action remarks right, and that is it really did cost us this much, or it costs a few dollars, more. It did take more gas or whatever,
but. I want you to match up whatever your business plan said you were gonna do with what the outcome ended up being that you could see. We had it costs more money than we thought or whatever yours, when wanna put on there and somebody came by and talked was found out we were doing and they gave us a twenty dollar donation. See one, Include that because that’ll offset your costs right, so you’ve done your first one. You’re excited about it. Might your first. This is planning for his ashes. Does. Then that’s just name it. His plan one feed the people.
Then you’re going to get ready for the next one You gotta do. It might be two days later. It might be the next weekend whenever you have time for. Well. However you, you’re going to do this before you write your next plan of what you’re gonna do. I, and then you’re going to eat. Of course you’re gonna say how many people you fed what the remarks were. Oh, yeah, and any comments they had want to put it in there too After you do your action report, then I want you to take that document and I want you to. Share it with another Christian you know and sandwiches see what my new little ministry has done and I want to see. I’ll tell you about what happened that day and how we were able to talk to people and begin a relationship, And so what I’m looking for some others who may want to join me and assist me in my ministry, And what I ask is that you can either a common -law and and bring an extra twenty bucks, We can buy twenty more hamburgers or however many your budget allows so. Twenty five dollars might buy twenty five meals, okay, cause your budget will tell you how many meals you’ll be able to provide based on how much money somebody gives you and you can say what would love for you to come along that day and and provide twenty five dollars. We can provide twenty more meals, or if you don’t want to come by, you just want to financially support us a twenty five dollar contribution while I was to double the number of meals that we gave out that day, right? Now you’re building your ministry, and what you have to do that with is your little business plan. This is what our business plan is this is who we are. This is what we do this how we’re going to operate. This is what we bought this so much it costs. This is what happened to our after action plan. Then you’ll get a couple of contributions from a couple of people and you may also get some volunteers or people that you can pay for ten dollars to come along and you make report number You make a. Business plan number two. Now some people may say I’m using the word Business plan in a different way. That’s fine, but there’s a reason why I do this the second time you write it. You’re going to account for the donations you add and you’re going to grow the number of people you serve. You’re going to increase this increase that you might need increase. If you have to pay somebody whatever, or you might save money by doing more
and then you get that money. You go out and do it again. Your sign up sandwiches put your shirt on, but sent by Christ and then you give out your sandwiches and you’re going to do more because you got a little more money and you may have more people to help you, and you’ll have more information and you’re going to see after just two or three times doing that. You’re gonna have several best plants and you’re going to get better at doing it. You’re going to show growth in your ministry financially through the plans. What happens right you’re going to say you do it four times you’re going to have. For a budget you’re going to have for outcomes. You’re going to have statements from people. You’re going to have lessons learned. Always put that at the bottom of the business plan At each one lesson to learn. Right What did we learn? We learn that we should do this. We shouldn’t do that this work that didn’t work by the time he did this four times. You’re going to have more people more money. More sandwiches handed out in this particular case more relationships with more people that is a growing. Successful ministry, right, and we did it with a plan. Years. Our plan for the first day wouldn’t go out. Here’s what happened after we went out. Years are going after the second day. Based on on what happened the day before that we were out based on the new volunteers that were getting in based on the contributions were getting now here. What’s this is what’s going to be on number two, and here’s number three. Suddenly I need to buy us a a cart that I can like a hotdog cart, but I can drag behind my car or my truck. And when I go to buy that, and if I have to borrow the money, I already have all the plans of what’s been going on either history. Yeah, this what we did the first time. Third time. This time, this is the amount of money that the amount of food were given, and now we need a food cart, do it, or we need a food truck, and this is our evidence that our ministry is growing and thriving, and these are the lessons we’ve learned and this is how we know that we need this and this is how we know we can support this food truck. See what I’m saying, so these business plans are important. Cause they help you get started, Help you be organized. Help you write down all the things you need to know. Help you create a history of lessons learned and what happened and what people said, But also when you need these business plans to borrow money or get other help or get large donations, You have all the evidence you need. You’re not just telling a dream. It’s in your head. You’re showing a real story of outreach and ministry and that can make your ministry grow like crazy. And you’re touching people and they’re asking you why you’re so happy why you’re doing this and you’re telling them about Christ and you’re having relationship, and that is what Christ asks us to do. So I want to thank you for coming by and watching this video today. Please be sure to click on the subscribe button below If you’re watching this on Youtube and I want you to also mark the bell, so you get notifications if you’re watching this video somewhere else, head on over to Youtube to street bishops. I channel and go ahead and subscribe while you’re there, so that you can get additional videos, and you come by our Facebook page at St. Bishops, and so we just want to connect with you and hear from you. Often. You can also write to me at Secretary at St. Bishops Dot Com. I have a great day and we look forward to see you in our next video.